Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Man Walks Into a Room

A little background. I love Jonathan Safran Foer. Everything is illuminated is one of my favorite books, period. I've given it to my whole family and basically every other person I like to read.

When I read History of Love, i was likewise completely blown away. I thought, Nicole Krauss, you are a genius of equal stature to your husband, and also i like your hair.

But just like the fact that I love Interpol doesn't mean I ever want to hear Joy Division ever- Man Walks Into a Room is a huge disappointment.
The premise is interesting, but there is a certain style of writing about male protaganists that really bothers me- kind of "He's not a good person, in fact he is horrible all the time to everyone, but it is in this totally dude way, so maybe it's just that all men are secretly awful and how would you even know, woman reader?"

Ugh. Can't wait to be done and never look at this book again.

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