Tuesday, February 24, 2009

indie pop rocks

I feel like I used to know about music and not, you know, find myself listening to the Under the Blacklight all the time because there is nothing newer.

I'm trying to get back to that.

SomaFM independent internet radio

Also, my ankle is not broken, which is rad. I'm bummed about the month+ recovery time though. Le sigh.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I sprained my ankle rock climbing yesterday.

Sprained ankle

X-ray tomorrow. Unfortunately.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Here's a picture from Marin a few weeks ago. It's about a 30 second exposure- obviously I'm bad at standing still, but I like it all the same.


We need to go back. It's been too long.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Court of the Air

The Court of the Air by Stephen Hunt reminds me of two other books, both of which I love, so let's just get to the point that although I'm not finished with it yet, at the moment I'm recommending it pretty highly.

First- The Golden Compass. The same sort of setting, pseudopast with alternate or futuristic additions, similar aged protagonists, and an equally dark but more omnipotent organization.

Secondly - these books that I don't remember the name of, about cities that move around and eat other cities. I guess it's the same kind of steampunk feel, almost Neil-Gaiman-but-not-quite. Whenever I read Neil Gaiman I feel like he is just really lucky when his writing or stories turn out well. I'm sure that's vast misunderstanding of mine, and he works really hard to get things right, but that's how it comes across to me. Fortunate more than intentional.

Anyway! Back to string classes, pointers, and idiot-styled Python.

Monday, February 9, 2009


So, I played magic at a, you know, place for the first time last Friday. Specifically Eudemonia in Berkeley, and it was pretty ok. For the price and the experience, I'm still into playing at home instead. But I opened up my first pack of Conflux and saw

So that was pretty cool.

Ok, back to coding! And maybe some Murakami. I'm near the end of Sputnik Sweetheart, and I've gotten to this section of kind of bizarre "Why must we as humans be so alone?" rambling that I don't quite know what to make of.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

omg. this has killed me with its adorability.

also, go see Coraline! Neil Gaiman is a superstar and the production looks amazing.

<3 t

Monday, February 2, 2009

What's Next

Sputnik Sweetheart for sure. Average Murakami is awesome for anyone else.

Here's my bookshelf. It's color coded, ish.


If you click on the link, you can see a bunch of notes on my flickr.

Also! Matt and Kim tonight! I'm super excited.